Saturday, March 9, 2013

Geoscience Snow Day

Today, believe it or not we were snowed in. According to Arizona, this consists of two to three inches of snow (but we really had 14). After our breakfast of eggs, bacon and blueberry pancakes we New Englanders braved the "snow storm" and headed outside for a quick walk. We paid attention to things we heard and then we came back in and had a discussion. We split the things we heard into two groups of natural things and man made things. This was to learn about ways to organize data. Soon after we were put into groups and spent the first half of the day reading and learning about the places we are going to visit in our last week of Winterim. We learned about places including the petrified forest, the Grand Canyon, and a meteor crater. We created summaries about each location and then had another group discussion about what we had learned. Next we labeled different temperatures for different states. From this we learned about how climate can affect things including, economics, trade, and politics. Soon after we looked at how wind affects climate. We did multiple experiments to better visualize the way wind moves. Then Ms. Ruby handed us cups of jell-o and told us to go outside and build them a structure to keep them warm. When we came back in we started dinner. We had a wonderful multi-cultural meal of fried rice and fried cabbage. Gary Lai and Lisa Lee were nice enough to share their recipes with us. After dinner we went back out and found our almost solid jell-o cups. Even though we were trapped inside all day we learned just as much as any other day, maybe even more.

-- Ally Feinberg and Kaylie McDonald

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